Our living forests video (long)
Our living forests video (short)
Study trip of nature conservation engineer students
2018 March 12: Natura 2000 private forest from the viewpoint of forest management
Lecture series to university students…
2018 February 22: Natura 2000 private forest from the viewpoint of forest management
Lecture series to university students…
2017. November 8-9 Foresters' field trip to the ?rség region in Hungary
2017 October 5-7: Foresters' field trip to Slovakia
2017 September 26-28: Foresters' field trip to Romania
2017 May 18-19 Foresters' field trip to the Mecsek region in Hungary
2017 April 24-29: Foresters' field trip to Poland
14-20.11.2016 - Study field trip to Bavaria
The Directorate of the Bükk National Park has organized a study trip to Bavaria (Germany) within the framework of the LIFEinFORESTS project. The main purpose of the study trip has been to show Hungarian forestry experts ecofriendly forestry methods that their German counterparts have multiple decades-long experience with. Among the 30 participants have been private and state foresters, representatives of forestry authorities, forestry educators as well as those experts of national parks and ministries that are doing forestry-related activities on a daily basis.…
11-12.10.2016 - Study field to the Donau-Auen National Park
Between the 11th and 12th of October 2016 nearly 50 forestry and environmental experts participated in a forestry study trip to the Austrian Danube-Floodplain National Park. In the course of the two-days event they showed the biggest single floodplain ecosystem of Europe and the factors endangering the forests of the area, as well as the ecological problems stemming from the decreasing river levels and the proposed solutions to these that are currently being employed on an experimental basis throughout the length of this few kilometres long river section.…
OEE roundtable - Szombathely
OEE roundtable - Miskolc
OEE roundtable - Debrecen
OEE roundtable - Eger
OEE roundtable - Kardosfa
OEE roundtable - Bugac
OEE roundtable - Alsópere
7-8.10.2015 - Field trip to Zemplén Mountains
The Directorate of the Bükk National Park organized a study trip to Zemplén between the 7th and 8th of October 2015. The main purpose of the study trip has been to showcase the results achieved until present days in natural forestry under real-life conditions to participants and to confront them with the fact that economical forestry can be executed while taking environmental aspects into consideration. With other worrds, a forestry might be profitable even if constant forest coverage is being ensured. The high number of participants indicated that this topic is of great concern to the entire society and that there would be demand for similar trips.…
"Living Forest Award" – Best Natura 2000 forest managers award event
WWF Hungary granted awards in five different categories with the "Life in Forests Award - the Best foresters of Natura 2000 forests". The purpose of the project is the promotion of nautre-friendly forestry with the help of the promotion of Hungarian best practices.…
11-12.5.2016 - Forests of the Great Hungarian Plain study field trip
The study trip revolving around the topic of forests of the Alföld, organized by the Directorate of the Kiskunság National Park in Mid-May, has summoned great interest. The goal of the two-days event has been the education of representatives of private and state forestries, sylvicultures, educational institutions active on Natura 2000 forest territories through practical examples on ecofriendly forest treatment. During the study trip they showed locations representing natural forest dynamics, spontaneous forest spawnings and the systematical and pedological characteristics of their emergence as well as the natural and artificial renovation of areas affected by forest fires.…