International conference


WWF Hungary and its partners in the LIFEinFORESTS project organize a professional forestry conference, in order to provide an extensive forum to learn and share experiences about sustainable forest management and forest treatment at Natura 2000 sites. Hungarian and European experts will present the most up-to-date results and practices of sustainable forest management from Hungary and from the EU. Furthermore, the conference program will include complementary study trips in the field and a poster exhibition.

Time and venue:

21-22 MARCH 2017
SOPRON, HUNGARY / University of Sopron 
(former University of West Hungary)

Download the conference agenda in pdf format here

Pictures of the conference are available in the photo gallery here.

Conference presentations

Conference presentation video recordings of plenary sessions and  all presentation pdfs are available below:

Conference opening -  Dr. András Bidló, University of Sopron
Conference opening -  Dr. László Gálhidy, WWF Hungary

Plenary session I.

Natura 2000 and Forests - Zoltán Rakonczay, European Commission - DG Environment, Policy Officer
Examples of Natura 2000 forest management: European overview. – Paweł Pawlaczyk, Klub Przyrodników, Poland
Integration of Natura 2000 objectives into close to nature forest management - the Slovenian model –  Živan Veselič, Slovenia Forest Service, Slovenia
Nature conservation and forest management in Steigerwald – Ulrich Mergner, Bayerische Staatforsten, Germany
Natura 2000 objectives in protected areas - Kalkalpen National Park – Dr. Erich Mayrhofer, Kalkalpen National Park, Austria
 LIFE programme & Forests - Best Practices - Lucie Trokanová, NEEMO – LIFE Communication Expert

Plenary session II.

Natura 2000 forest management in Hungary: 13 years of experience – Dr. Ildikó Varga, Ministry of Agriculture, Dept. of Nature Conservation
Progress of Natura 2000 objectives in forest sites – Dr. Gergely Király, University of Sopron
Application of Natura 2000 prescriptions – Dr. Gábor Tímár, Government Office for Heves County, Forestry Directorate
Why Natura 2000 is important for private forest owners? – József Duska, National Association of Private Forest Owners and Forest Managers
Experiences of Continuous Cover Forestry – Péter Csépányi, Pilis Park Forest Ltd.

Parallel symposium sessions

Session 1 - Issues of forest management in Natura 2000 sites (available in English)
                    Chair: Tamás Frank (Bükk National Park Directorate)


Achieving of Natura 2000 objectives in private forest management - Péter Laczkó, forestry manager

  Achieving of Natura 2000 objectives through traditional and close-to-nature forest management – Kálmán Partos, Mecsekerdő Zrt.

Session 2 - Possibilities of nature conservation development (available in English)
                    Chair: Dr. Tibor Markovics (Őrség National Park Directorate)


Management strategy of forests in the asset management of the Őrségi National Park Directorate, Dr. Tibor Markovics, Őrségi National Park Directorate

  Patterns, conservation values and the developmental potential of the sand forest-steppe in the Danube-Tisza Interflow region – Dr. Csaba Vadász, Kiskunság National Park Directorate; Ábel Molnár, Szent István University
  Recommendations for the protection of strictly protected large forest bird species, Attila Králl, BirdLife Hungary
  Questions in sustaining forest habitats of Community importance.   – Dr. Ferenc Szmorad, forestry engineer

Session 3 - Legal framework, subsidy systems (available only in Hungarian)
                    Chair: József Duska (National Association of Private Forest Owners and Forest Managers)


Natura 2000 subsidy systems  - Tamás Lapos, Forestry Directorate – National Food Chain Safety Office