
Bogács / Cserépfalu, Hungary

This training is organized for Hungarian licensed forestry engineers and forest managers, therefore this content is only available in Hungarian language.…

Bogács / Cserépfalu, Hungary

This training is organized for Hungarian licensed forestry engineers and forest managers, therefore this content is only available in Hungarian language.…

Bogács / Cserépfalu, Hungary

This training is organized for Hungarian licensed forestry engineers and forest managers, therefore this content is only available in Hungarian language.…

Halle, Germany

Bogács / Cserépfalu, Hungary

This training is organized for Hungarian licensed forestry engineers and forest managers, therefore this content is only available in Hungarian language.…

Bogács / Cserépfalu, Hungary

This training is organized for Hungarian licensed forestry engineers and forest managers, therefore this content is only available in Hungarian language.…

"The 21st of May is the European Natura 2000 Day. With the celebration of this Day, we want all European citizens to discover the stunning richness of these sites, where…

Sopron, Hungary

LIFE IN FORESTS CONFERENCE ON THE SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT AND FORESTS TREATMENT OF NATURA 2000 SITESWWF Hungary and its partners in the LIFEinFORESTS project organize a professional forestry conference, in…

Gödöllő, Hungary

The final conference of "Sustainable nature conservation in Natura 2000 areas in Hungary" project of the Swiss Contribution.…

Bratislava, Slovakia

NABU (BirdLife in Germany), SOS/BirdLife Slovakia and BirdLife Europe invite you to a workshop on “Nature Conservation and EU Financing: Challenges, Best Practices and Options”.…

Freising, Germany

The 10th European Conference on Ecological Restoration will be held at the Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management, School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan - Technische Universität München.…

Brüsszel, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Policy conference in Brussels, Monday 23 May 2016Do you know the many services which Europe's forest ecosystems deliver to us? Are you working to ensure that the prosperity and benefits…

Budapest, Hungary

Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate and WWF Hungary are organising a European workshop on the eradication and control of invasive alien plant species in protected areas and Natura 2000 sites from…

Győr, Hungary

Veszprém, Hungary

Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Wels, Austria

From the 24 to the 26th February the Austrian city of Wels will host the 2016 Edition of the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED).…

Alföld, Hungary

The trip will take place in the protected NATURA 2000 areas where rare bird species could be observed in this time of the year.…

Rome, Italy

The World Soil Day 2015 will host the 'closure' event of the International Year of Soils. It will also coincide with the launch of the first 'Status of the World…

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is an initiative aiming to promote the implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management during a single week.…

Brasov, Romania

We are inviting you to join us for the upcoming international conference ICWSE 2015, which is intended to provide to its participants a forum of discussion of the most recent…

Engelberg, Switzerland

The 72nd joint session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)…

Brussels, Belgium

First part: Towards Paris 2015: How can the forest sector contribute? International Press Centre, at 9:00-13:00…

Budapest, Hungary

The inaugural conference of the Mayors’ Geothermal Club is a two-day conference and matchmaking event for municipalities and organisations interested in identifying and exploring opportunities for collaboration to improve their…

St Margherita di Pula, Italy

The LIFE programme will be present at the 15th edition of the International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, to be held in St Margherita di Pula, Sardinia (Italy), on 5-9…

Kastamonu, Safranbolu, Yenice-Karabük, Turkey

The aim of the symposium is to provide a synoptic overview on latest observations in beech ecosystem dynamics, recent threats and suitable management concepts. The event is organized by the…

Tartu, Estonia

Within the main conference theme “Sustaining ecosystem services in forest landscapes”, we consider many subthemes, including:…

Manchester, United Kingdom

SER's 6th World Conference on Ecological Restoration takes place in Manchester, England from 23rd - 27th August 2015. Building on recent successful World Conferences and regional meetings such as SER…

Smokovce (High Tatra Mountains), Slovakia

The conference will provide the opportunity to discuss the potentials and limitations of current and possible future approaches to mountain forest management that are aimed at continously providing portfolios of…

Budapest, Hungary

Date: 18. June 2015 at 09.00-15.30 Venue: Ministry of National Development (1011 Budapest, Fő utca 44-50)…

Valladolid, Spain

The final international conference of the Spanish LIFE project, The Green Deserts (LIFE09 ENV/ES/447), will be held at the University of Valladolid on 17-18 June 2015. The event is being…

Brussels, Belgium

Starting from the City Centre and the European district, delegates to EFUF2015 will gradually connect to the heart of the Sonian Forest. This year’s EFUF will focus on:…

Florence, Italy

The IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference is held every two years and is the official meeting of the IUFRO Working Group 2.04.06 (Molecular biology of forest trees). It is estimated that…

Astana, Kazakhstan

The International Scientific Forum “on Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded Forests"will take place in Astana, Kazakhstan on June 8th to 12th, 2015. The Forum aims to increase political and public…

Belgrade, Serbia

A Reforestation Conference is an opportunity for scientists to gather, present and exchange results and experiences from research areas relevant to reforestation. Top researchers from Europe and North America are…

Vienna, Austria

EUBCE 2015The leading international platform for dialogue between research, industry, policy and business of biomass…

The three biggest Hungarian environmental NGOs, including WWF, launched a public initiative to establish the Day of Hungarian Nature. A petition on the website has been signed by more than…

May 21 - Natura 2000 Day Upload your picture and have a gesture towards our protected areas!…

An introductory event on the European Commission's (EC) new Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) in Brussels on 8 May 2015 attracted a variety of participants. Launched in February this year,…

Date: 14-17 May 2015 Find out more about the festival at:…

Hannover, Germany

LIGNA will feature a unique new offering for suppliers and manufacturers of forestry and primary wood processing technologies: the Wood Industry Summit, a high-power exhibition and networking showcase.…

Kapuzinerhof, Germany

The aim of this Workshop is to bring together issues and solutions about the management of Alpine grasslands in diverse settings and to summarize appropriate strategies and management tools. Can…

Ócsa, Hungary

Date: 14.04.2015 (From 9.30 to 15.15) Location: Ócsa (GPS coordinates: 665567, 216068.) Participation is free but registration is required until 13 April 2015, 10 AM at [email protected].…

The finalists of the Natura 2000 Award are announced! Find out about these 23 projects and vote for your favourite one! The finalist with the most votes will win the…

Barcelona, Spain

The objectives of the IV Mediterranean Forest Week are: Strengthen exchanges and synergies between stakeholders involved in the integrated management of Mediterranean forests and other woodlands.Follow up the Tlemcen Declaration…

Sofia, Bulgaria

Keeping pace with the market trends and demand ‘Save the Planet’ Exhibition encourages the waste and recycling technology transfer to South-East Europe. It will provide participants with a quick market…

Wels, Austria

From the 25 to the 27th February the Austrian city of Wels will host the 2015 Edition of the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED).Organised by the Upper Austria Region, over…

Online Conference,

The conference sessions are structures under two themes, as follows: Climate change mitigation through forest management interventions…

Oxford, United Kingdom

“The more biodiversity the better” has long been a central tenet of environmental policy. Recently this has been challenged.…