The National Forestry Association (OEE) is a member of the consortium which has been implementing the LIFE+ project on “improved communication, cooperation and capacity-building in Natura 2000 forests to maintain their biodiversity” project. Additional seven Hungarian organizations are participating in the consortium with the leadership of WWF Hungary.
Our Association took on the task of organizing 10 intersectoral expert roundtable discussions in order to provide a platform to exchange differing views on the management of Natura 2000 forests. The locations of the discussions will be chosen in accordance with the structure of Hungarian forestry management, thus covering the whole area of the country.
The first roundtable session took place at the KEFAG Ltd. Educational Cabinet of the Bugac Forestry on the 17th of October 2015. Presentations had been delivered by the Körös-maros NPI, the Kiskunság NPI, the DALERD Ltd., an expert of the Gemenc Sylvicultural-and Wildlife Ltd., and an expert from the Department of Agriculture and Sylviculture of the Bács-Kiskun County Government Office.
The presenters demonstrated their 10 years experience about the functioning of the Natura 2000 network. Following the presentations the participants had the chance to discuss and organize suggestions regarding a more efficient way of achieving the goals of the network. The ideas will be put to test in studies and educational materials developed throughout the project.
Source (in Hungarian):
Author: National Forestry Association
News editor: Annamária Udvardi