The LIFEinFORESTS project event organized by the National Forestry Association.
The third station of the 10 roundtable discussions held within the framework of the LIFE+ project has been organized with the title “Improved communication, cooperation and capacity building for the preservation of the biodiversity of Natura 2000 forests” took place at Szombathely Forestry Ltd.
During event held on the 11th of November 2015 presentations had been delivered by the Directorate of the Fertő-Hanság Nation Park, the Directorate of the Őrség National Park, the Szombathely Forestry Ltd., the Kisalföld Forestry Ltd., as well as the Environmental and Ecological Department of the Vas County State Bureau and the experts of the Agricultural and Forestry Department.
The presenters demonstrated their experience of 10 years regarding the Natura 2000 network. After the lectures the audience had the chance to discuss and compile different opinions on the treatment of Natura 2000 forests.
In order to more efficiently reach the aims of the Natura 2000 network, the suggestions proposed at the event and the studies and educational material written within the framework of the project are are going to be utilized
Source (in Hungarian):
Photo: Sándor Inántsy Pap/Inspi-Ráció Association