First part: Towards Paris 2015: How can the forest sector contribute?
International Press Centre, at 9:00-13:00
Second part: ThinkForest in the forest: biodiversity and forest management
Brussels City Forest, at 13:00-16:45
The ThinkForest event ‘Science-policy in action: the role of European Forests’ provides a platform for science-policy-stakeholder dialogue on how the forest-based sector can contribute to climate policy targets (COP21). This first part of the event will be held in International Press Centre, close to Rond-Point- Schuman, Brussels.
The second theme and part takes place in the Brussels City forest. This part will highlight the possibilities of integration of forest biodiversity with forest management, and address the on-going discussion on Natura 2000. The 2 nd part of the day will take place in the Brussels City forest and provides an opportunity to have experience on forest recreation, biodiversity and management in the forest itself.