Project full title: Improved communication, cooperation and capacity building for preserving biodiversity in Natura 2000 forests.
Project ID: LIFE13 INF/HU/001163
Project Acronym: LIFEinFORESTS
Project duration: 01.07.2014- 31.03.2018
Total project budget: 1,190,753 Euro
EU financial contribution: 588,378 Euro (= 50.00% of total eligible budget))
Co-financier: Ministry of Agriculture
Beneficiaries: WWF World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary Foundation (coordinating beneficiary), Bukk National Park Directorate, Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Europa Media Non-Profit Ltd., Kiskunsag National Park Directorate, National Association of Private Forest Owners and Forest Managers, Hungarian Forestry Association,Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt.
The LIFEinFORESTS project aims at improving the conservation status of the Natura 2000 forest sites in Hungary, by identifying, developing and implementing a set of tools that support skills development, active communication and cooperation of the key stakeholders in the management and conservation of Natura 2000 forests.
It is coordinated by WWF Hungary, with the participation of Bukk National Park Directorate, Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Europa Media Non-Profit Ltd., Kiskunsag National Park Directorate, National Association of Private Forest Owners and Forest Managers, Hungarian Forestry Association and Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt.
Moreover, the project is in complete harmony with the objectives of LIFE+ Regulation, and the details of the 2013 call for proposals. It clearly contributes to halting the loss of biodiversity in Europe; to improving the conservation status of European forests and promoting the multi-functional, sustainable forest management.